Cui Yun Lang (Green Cloud Corridor)


Cuiyunlang indicates the old cypress tree shadded Ancient Shu Road that is in Guangyuan and Mianyan near the town of Jian’Ge with different roads go to north, south and west. Cui Yun Lang is part of the Jinniu Road that is one of the preserved Ancient Shu Roads. The actual road is total 150km long but the best preserved roads are limited to a few short sections including Lan Ma Qiang, Han Yang Zhen, Chao Shou Pu and Pu’an Zhen. For now Cuiyunlang normally indicates the enclosed park that has big and old cypress trees near Jian’Ge, and is used as one of the best example of Ancient Shu Roads. The park of Cui Yun Lang is actually a very flat part of the Jinniu Ancient Road. Cui Yun Lang means the 150km Ancient Shu Roads but it could also mean the park of Cui Yun Lang in modern Tourism.


The Huge Cypress Trees

Thousands of big cypress trees stand by the slab-paved old road. The average age of the cypress here is around 1000 year old with the oldest tree around 2000 year old that were planted by Qin Dynasty after the unification of China to better move army around the country. The trees were initially used as measurements on the distance of roads, to mark the course of roads. There were seven major times the old cypress trees were planted. From Qin to Qing Dynasty. Trees with diameters over 2 meters were panted 2000 years ago, that only 7% of the trees were planted in Qin Dynasty. Most cypress trees were planted after Jin Dynasty. In 1930s the construction of the first modern road Sichuan-Shaanxi Road had made big damage to the old cypress trees that the old cypress trees we can see today are only a small part of those been preserved before 1930s.

Jian’Ge Cypress is one of the oldest cypress trees on Ancient Shu Roads. It is estimated to be 2300 year old and it is 27-meters tall. Another big cypress is called “Shuada Cypress” that is 29-meters tall and also over 2300 years old.


The preservation of the old cypress trees was a good tradition conducted by the authorities through the dynasties. From Qin and Han Dynasties there were special officials assigned to protect the old trees on Ancient Shu Roads and keep the roads under maintenance. It was a well-kept tradition to protect these legacy from our ancestors since the beginning.

Cui Yun Lang Park is located 22km south of Jian’Ge City and 12km south of Jianmenguan Park.

Business Hour: 08:00-17:00

Entrance Ticket Fee: 40yuan

Recommended Time to Spend: 1h

Lan Ma Qiang

Lan Ma Qiang literally means the fence wall of the Ancient Shu Roads. It is one section of the Cui Yun Lang Ancient Shu Roads. The name of this section Lanmaqiang was taken from one of the its road facilities, the guard wall by the side of the road that stops the horses falling. Lan Ma Qiang is one of the best parts of Cui Yun Lang Ancient Road (probably the best part). It is total 5km long unstop road with over 200 old cypress trees and many ancient road facilities such as Lanmaqiang(road fence wall), grooving technique for slippery conditions, horse poles, etc.


Lan Ma Qiang is a much longer section of Ancient Shu Road than that of Cui Yun Lang Park. It is more quiet and not so touristy. It is wider too at 3 to 5 meters. Often you will be the only person in there to feel the tranquility of the road under the thousand-year-old cypress trees, that you may almost hear the sound of horse bells from 2000 years ago...

Lan Ma Qiang is located 50km south of Jianmenguan Park and 60km south of Jian’Ge City.

Business Hour: All Day

Entrance Ticket Fee: Free of Charge

Recommended Time to Spend: 1-3h