Here you can find detailed and useful travel maps of Danba including travel maps of Zhonglu Tibetan Village, Jiaju Tibetan Village, Suopo Village and the tourist map of Danba.
Danba is located in Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in western Sichuan, 315km west to the capital city of Chengdu. It takes about 8-9 hours driving from Chengdu, 2-3 hours, 112km driving from Mount Siguniang. Travelers usually travel to Danba from Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province.
Danba is located in the river conjunction of Dajinchuan River and Xiaojinchuan River. It is the connecting point of Mount Siguniang, Barkam, Kangding and further west of Tibetan Sichuan. Danba is considered the border of northwest Sichuan and west Sichuan.
Zhonglu is one of the Tibetan Villages in Danba. It is a village 8km northeast of the town of Danba. In 2016 there is a newly finished road going up to the village, by driving it takes only 10 minutes to get there. The small walking trails in the village connect each other, making it perfect to explore the villages.
Jiaju Tibetan Village is the No. 1 tourist place in Danba. A road is available to the center of the village. It takes about 15 minutes to cover this 10km from the town of Danba. Roads and trails are plenty inside this village that you can explore by yourself.
Suopo incicates a group of villages in this area that boasts for watchtowers. Road is also available here.
Route: Danba
Route: Chengdu - Danba - Tagong - Kangding - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Siguniangshan - Danba - Tagong - Kangding - Hailuogou - Chengdu