Public Bus from Daocheng to Riwa

Updated on 02 Feb, 2020

This page includes the public bus information from Daocheng to Riwa and from Riwa to Daocheng.

Daocheng Yading Transfer Map

From Daocheng to Riwa there are 2 schedules each day at 08:00am and 04:10pm at Airport Hotel (Jichang Hotel/????) in Daocheng.

From Riwa back to Daocheng there are 2 schedules each day at 08:00am and 05:30pm at Risong Gongbu Hotel. (??????)

Please note during the golden week of October (01st Oct to 07th Oct) there are more schedules available. From Daocheng to Riwa there are 3 schedules each day at 7:00am, 7:30am and 08:00am and from 02:00pm whenever they bus is full. Location to take the bus is at Airport Hotel (Jichang Hotel/????). From Riwa back to Daocheng the bus is available from 06:00am and will depart whenever the bus is full. Place to take the bus is at Risong Gongbu Hotel. (??????)

Daocheng To Yading Public Bus

Bus ticket costs CNY50 per person. Pre-booking not available but you can ask your hotel to pre-book this for you. Most hotels will help.

There are more than one places that you can get on the bus (not recommended during the golden week). The following are the stops that the bus will stop on this bus line, you can wait the bus/get off the bus at any of the stops.

Risong Gongbu Hotel(?????? ) - Jianhua Shop(???? ) - Mengzi Intersection(????) - Yading Heaven Hotel(??????) - Lvye Yading Hotel(????) - Zhongdui Village(??) - Chitu Village(??) - Sela Ba(???) - Daocheng Bus Station(????) - Daocheng Hospital(???) - Yading Tianjie(????) - Xueshan Square(????) - Airport Hotel(????)

Bus inquiry line: +86 15983737028 (Chinese/Tibetan language Only)

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