Daocheng Yading Weather in Summer - June, July and August

Summer is a popular season travel to Yading in general. Summer in Yading refers to June, July and August. In Summer the lowest temperature in a day in the early morning will be above 0C and during day time, the temerature reaches 20C or over. It is the warmest tiime of the year as well as the wettest time of the year. A monthly rainy days can be over 20 days. Note the rain in summer is not consecutive rains of many days. It is often on and off but usually rains at almost every night. Thunderstorm is common in Yading and usually comes with hail or heavy rain for a couple of hours. The rain in summer can be a couple of days of raining followed by a half or a full good day, but the rain won't be heavy rain but is not small either. A day with good weather in summer is not a sunny day but rather a day with some blue sky you can see. If it's a full sunny day, you are in very good luck. At the prime summer days in July, the usual weather is either rainy or cloudy/foggy from the last few years experience.

Weather changes quickly in summer time. A sunny/cloudy day can change into a rainy/haily day quickly in just a couple of hours. One necessary gear to pack is rainproof while traveling in Summer in Yading. Extra socks and shoes are also a good idea if you are doing hiking in this season.

July and August is the school summer vacation in China when everywhere tends to be crowded by families that are spending their holidays. Yading is becoming popular in China. You will see more travelers in Yading in July and August, to be exact, from begining of July til late August when this place starts to cool down. If you prefer less crowd then try to avoid this period of time if possible, if not, it is still okay because it won't be super crowded.


Early June in Daocheng YadingEarly June in Daocheng Yading at Chonggu Prairrie.

Middle June in Daocheng YadingMiddle June in Daocheng Yading at Pearl Lake.

Late June in Daocheng YadingLate June in Daocheng Yading at above Pearl Lake.

June is the beginning of Summer in Daocheng Yading when the green color will cover the mountains for most part. Daily temperature is at around 20C during day time and above 5C at night time. First half of June is drier than second half of June in general. It is a good season to travel to Yading too. It is not cold and it is still less wet than July and August in comparison. June is the blooming season of Yading especially of the many rhododendron flowers in first half of June. Other flowers come out by end of June. Animals are active in this season. Rivers are high. Weather changes quickly.


Early July in YadingEarly July in Daocheng Yading at Milk Lake.

July is considered to be the prime summer time of Yading. It has the most rainfall of all year. July is the wettest month and also the warmest month of the year. By day the temperature reaches 20C or even 25C if it's not rainy. At night and early morning the temperature reaches above 5C or even at around 10C. It usually rains at night. And it rains more at night than during the day. Weather changes usually after mid-day in July. The morning is usually foggy and clouds move quickly. You will see birds and wild animals. You will also see many flowers in July. Please remember July is the warmest as well as the wettest month of Daocheng Yading, when you plan a trip to Yading in July, there is a very high chance you will encouter rainy days.

Middle July in Daocheng YadingMiddle July in Daocheng Yading at Songduo Pass.

Late July in Daocheng YadingLate July in Daocheng Yading at above Milk Lake.

July is also school summer vacation in China. You will exepct at some days lots of people visiting Yading Park in this month.


Early August in YadingEarly August in Daocheng Yading at above Xinguo Ranch.

August is also the summer time of Yading. It is also wet and has a high chance of rain. From our last few years experience, August is usually drier than July in comparision. Please note if the weather is sunny in summer, it is super beautiful. As the Tibetan Plateau has a climate that monsoon comes in summer, it is common that this season is usually foggy and rainy. But please also keep in mind that in general Daocheng Yading is a dry place, compared to many other cities with humidity levels over 80%, Daocheng Yading has a much lower humidity level and because of the strong wind, you will feel it's dry too. In summer time, hail is possible in Yading, and at higher altitude places such as Milk Lake, 5-Color Lake, you may encouter snow-hail, some hail come down quickly and can be quite big, the size of a berry.

Middle August in YadingMiddle August in Daocheng Yading at Snake Lake.

Late August in YadingLate August in Daocheng Yading at above Milk Lake.

August is also the school summer vacation time when lots of families will be traveling. Be prepared for bigger crowd of visitors in Yading.

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