Daocheng Yading Weather and Travel Season

The best time to travel to Daocheng Yading is from May to December in general.

Daocheng Yading Travel Season

In Jan and February, Daocheng Yading is very cold, the temperature in this time of the year drops to -10 or lower. March is the begining of Spring and it starts to get warmer. From April people start to go to Yading. May and early June is the spring time of Yading when you will see the Rhododendron Flowers. From end of June enters the summer when Yading becomes the greenest. You will see many flowers bllom in thi season. July and August is the warmest seasons of Yading as well as the wettest time of the year. From second half of September it starts to get cold when the climate enters into Autumn and weather starts to get drier. Second half of October is the golden forest season of Daocheng Yading. From November, it starts to feel cold when temeprature drops below zero or even -5C in the early morning while weather gets drier and drier. The golden color disappear from min-November. December and January are the driest seasons of Yading but the coldest.

Daocheng Yading Travel SeasonThese data is from the last 10 years record. Complete sunny days are rare in summer. The rain (June to September) and snow (October to May) types are different in different seasons. In summer the rain usually comes after mid-day and during night. You will have foggy/cloudy days the most from spring til October.

Travel Season in terms of weather and views.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Good Okay Good Good Best Best Good Good Best Best Best Good

Best:Generally with a relatively stable weather conditions and best scenery/views of the year for example in August it is all green although could be rainy and in October the mountains will turn golden. Most of these seasons are often with sunny and clear days/good conditions for walking and photography, but may also be crowded.

Good: These seasons are with good views, normally with less stable or cold weather and climate, but could see bad weather such as rain or low temperature. These seasons are often less crowded and also very beautiful.

Okay: These seasons are also with good views but can be either very cold and usually with sunny days all the time.

Daocheng Yading is getting to become one of the most popular tourist attractions in western part of China in recent years. There are more and more travelers coming to visit this place. The busiest time of the year include July, August and October, during which you will see Yading is sometimes packed, especially during the first week of October. Then is the "shoulder season" of Yading in May, June, September and Novemer when there are a "medium" crowd of people visiting Yading. The off season traveling to Yading is from December to the next April.

Read Detailed weather information of Daocheng Yading in different seasons

Please read below Daocheng Yading weather datas to learn more about the climate and weather in Daocheng Yading.

Daocheng Yading is located in the subtropical climate zone. Due to the complex terrain of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the climatic characteristics of Daocheng Yading show the climatic and continental climate characteristics of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is a high continental monsoon climate. It belongs to the plateau monsoon climate zone, and it is sunny and sunny for most of the year.


Winter is mainly affected by the westward wind from the south branch over the plateau of Western Asia. The air is dry and sunny. Secondly, part of the cold air in the north surpassed the southward impact of the Bayan Har Mountains, which caused part of the rain and snow weather. Please note by winter time (from 01 Jan to mid April) the upper part of Yading including Milk Lake, 5-color Lake will be shut off due to icy trails and frozen lakes. Visitors can only get to Luorong Yak ranch and nearby places. Pearl Lake will stay open during winter.


Daocheng is affected by the southwestern warm current from the Indian Ocean in summer. The air over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is heated fast, the temperature is high while the air pressure is low, the surrounding air is compounded to the plateau, and the upward movement is strong, so there is more rain. Hail and thunderstorms are common.

Rain and heat in the same season

Area with altitude of 3300-3900 meters in Daocheng County accounts for 70% of Daocheng area. The annual precipitation is 636 millimeters, and the annual precipitation is mainly in June to September. Summer is rainy and foggy, and it usually in the afternoon. Rain and snow often come at night.

The day-night temperature difference is big

Daocheng belongs to a high archetype climate. The temperature difference between day and night in summer is not big, but the temperature difference between day and night in winter is big. The average daily temperature difference between April and October is 10.8 ~ 17.8 ?.


The rainfall in Daocheng County is based on 34 years of data from the Weather Bureau. The average annual rainfall over the years is 636 mm, the maximum annual precipitation is 901.4 mm, and the minimum annual precipitation is 436.6 mm, a difference of 464.8 mm.

Sunlight and Evaporation

Daocheng County is one of the regions with a lot of sunshine in Ganzi Prefecture. The average annual sunshine duration is 2629.4 hours, and the sunshine rate is over 60%. From the perspective of seasonal distribution, the highest in winter accounts for 84%, and the lowest in summer accounts for 16%. Annual sunshine is at most 2789.8 hours and at least 2380.7 hours; maximum sunshine duration is 13 hours per day and at least 0 hours per day.

Humidity level

The average annual water pressure in Daocheng County is 5.2 hectopascals, which is relatively stable with little interannual variation. The lowest seasonal change occurred in January at 1.3 hectopascals and the highest in July was 10.3 hectopascals. The daily maximum water pressure is 14.3 hectopascals and the minimum daily pressure is 0 hectopascals. Its average relative humidity of Daocheng over the years is 56%. Interannual changes are small. The minimum relative humidity in January is 38%, the maximum is 78% in August, the maximum daily relative humidity is 100%, and the minimum daily humidity is 0%.

Air pressure and wind

Daocheng County has a large difference in altitude due to the altitude difference. The data from the county weather stations over the past years shows that the average annual pressure is 646.2 hectopascals. The lowest value in the year appears in January, with an average of 642.3 hectopascals; the highest value in October, with an average of 649.4 hectopascals. The highest daily pressure is 6.3 hectopascals (October 31, 1983), and the lowest daily pressure is 632.7 hectopascals (January 18, 1984). The difference between high and low is 26.6 hectopascals. In Daocheng, wind speeds are relatively strong in winter and spring, especially in spring and early summer.

Best-selected Daocheng Yading Packages

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