Derge Festivals

As one of the centers of Tibet, Derge and its sorroundings is a culture center and also home to many celebrations of traditional Tibetan Festivals.

Gesar Festival is held on 20th of August each year for 3-5 days in towns of Axu, Genqing, Manigango. Celebrations include horse-racing, worshiping, Tibetan ritual dance, singing and dancing, drama. This festival is originated from the old gathering on Axu Grassland, the hometown of King Gesar. It is held by the begining of autumn by late August. People will come with food and drinks with families, celebrate the harvest of the summer, sing and dance. Gesar Festival is an offical festival that is sometimes organized by local goverment in Derge. When you go further into smaller places such as Axu, Manigango, you will see local celebrations. These are normally great opportunities to take photos of cultural side of Kham Tibet.

Zejiu festival is held the middle of the 7th month of Tibetan Calendar (normally in mid August) for 1-3 days in Gong-Ya, Gengqing. Celebration includes dance and sing, sutra debate. Zejiu is a Kagyupa celebration in Derge. Its main charactor is the ritual dance in monastery featuring "Legend of Guru Renpoche", that monks will wear masks and hold weapons of each kind, play the story of the life of Guru Renpoche.

Puqiong is another festival held in middle of the 6th month of Tibetan Year in Gong-Ya, Gengqing for 1- days featuring Tibetan Drama (ritual dance) and worshiping.

Yingqiu is the celebration of entering Autumn season. It is held in mid August in the town of Maisu and Axu for 2-4 days featuring singing and dancing, horse-racing, etc.

Horse-Racing Festival is one of the most important festivals in Derge/Sershul. It is helf by early August for 2-5 days in Manigango and Axu. It features horse-racing, wrestling, dancing and singing. It is a great gathering for local Tibetan people and monks especially the nomadic part of Derge and Sershul. It is possibly the second largest horse-racing festival in Garze after Litang horse-racing festival.

>Derge Festivals
Derge Festivals

>Derge Festivals
Derge Festivals