All Things To Do in Derge & Dege Attractions

Detailed Introduction of Derge of its attractions and activities. Derge and Sershul is a vast area in northwestern Sichuan that is home to beautiful mountains and old monasteries including Chola Mountains, Derge Parkhang, Yihun Lhatso, Palpung Monastery, Dzogchen Monastery, Kathok Monastery, Sershul, Manigango and Palyul Monastery. Find useful travel guide and information about travel to Derge in details.

Chola Mountains

Chola Mountains

Chola Mountain is a massif of mountains located in the northern Shaluli Mountain Range. It is home to dozens of high peaks over 5000m and many glaciers, lakes, old monasteries and wild valleys and animals. It is by far one of the least explored regions in Sichuan with stunning nature. The highest peak of Chola soars 6168 meters into the sky.

Derge Parkhang

Derge Parkhang

The Derge Parkhang, Derge Sutra Printing Temple, is the institution printing and preserve Tibetan Literature and Buddhist's works. It is an important cultural and historical centre in Tibet. It is renowed as "the encyclopedia of Tibetan culture" or "Cultural pearl at the foot of Snow Mountain".

Yihun Lhatso

Yihun Lhatso (Xinluhai Lake)

Xinluhai, more widely known as Yihun Lhatso, is the turquoise lake north to the Chola Mountain. Elevation 4040 meters with three sides surrounded by snow mountains and the north by the side of national highway of 317. Yihun Lhatso is located 100km west to Ganzi and 100km east to Derge. The lake is one of the biggest in this area and with an average depth of 10 meters.

Palpung Monastery

Palpung Monastery

Palpung Monastery is a Tibetan Buddhists' monastery first established in 1729 in Qing Dynasty. It is a big monastery in a back-country valley southeast to the town of Dege(Derge). It was built on a mountain platform in the alpine valley. Constructions of Palpung Monastery are immense.

Dzogchen Monastery

Dzogchen Monastery

Dzogchen Monastery is situated in Gengda of Dzogchen in northern Derge with an elevation of almost 10000 ft. It is the monastery of Holy Reincarnation. This Nyingmapa monastery is one of the six great Nyingmapa schools in Tibetan Buddhism of Tibet. It was built in 1685 and during the past 300 years, nutured many Buddhist masters.

Kathok Monastery

Kathok Monastery

Kathok Monastery is the origin of Nyingmapa Monastery of Tibet. It is the very first mother monastery of Nyingma Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Kathok is also a Buddhist school of Nyingmapa. Kathok Monastery is also called Kathok Gompa by local people. Derge was once one of the three cultural centers of Tibet. Kathok was an important monastery in Tibetan history.



Sershul is the largest and furthest county in Sichuan Province. Sershul is called Shiqu in Chinese. Sershul neighbors Qinghai Province and Tibet Province. It is 1070km from Chengdu and 700km from Kangding. Sershul is historically a vast nomadic place in Tibet and home to many cultural sites including Song-Ge Mani Sutra City, Ba-Ge Mani Sutra Wall, Sershul Monastery, etc.



Manigango is a single-street town at the edge of grassland near Chola Mountain at the road conjunction of Derge, Sershul and Ashu Grassland. It is a typical Tibetan town in west Sichuan. It was already an important transfer and post station where the caravan fleets stop since the establishment of "Tea-Horse Road" in ancient times.

Derge Festivities

Derge Festivities

As one of the centers of Tibet, Derge and its sorroundings is a culture center and also home to many celebrations of traditional Tibetan Festivals. Find out information about Gesar Festival, Zejiu festival, Puqiong Festival, Yingqiu Festival and Horse-Racing Festival.

Palyul Monastery

Palyul Monastery

Palyul Monastery (Baiyu Monastery) is a Ningymapa Monatery located in Baiyu County, one of the three greatest Ningymapa Monasteries in Kham. The other two being Kathok Monastery in Baiyu and Dzogchen Monastery in Zhuqing. Palyul Monastery is one of the five family temple of King of Derge.