Garze Travel Season

Garze is affected by the warm currect from its south and east so it has a bit of rainy days in summer from June to September (sometimes snow) and the dry and cold winter from November to the next March. October is usually thought to be the best time to travel because it is neither cold nor rainy and has golden color.

Garze is on Tibetan Plateau therefore it has a similar highland climate as that of Tibet and Qinghai but more humid than Tibet and less windy than Qinghai. The big part of Garze is affected by the warm currect from its south and east so it has a bit of rainy days in summer from June to September (sometimes snow) and the dry and cold winter from November to the next March. October is usually thought to be the best time to travel because it is neither cold nor rainy and has golden color. Night time emperature goes above zero from June to September. Night time drops below -10C from December to February. Despite that the rainy season is in summer from June to September, it is still much drier than other parts of China such as Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Hiking season is from May to October. Winter is also good for hiking if you don't mind low temperature (-10C or lower). You have the most clear days from October to the next April and most cloudy days from June to July. A snowy day in winter is rare and it is not comfortable. A sunny day in summer is possible and it is super beautiful.

Weather forecast reliability is to be double checked while in Garze. There are limited weather station data can be used in Garze so the forecast you have may not be as reliable as when it forecasts for the city. Due to elevation change, air pressure difference the difference on weather forecast is big. Weather changes fast in Garze. The difference of daytime and night time temperature in Garze are very big. You are strongly recommended to have your warm clothes ready and handy especially in the morning and in the evening. Warm clothes and warm jackets are recommended. Rainproof, gloves, warm hats or even scarves are also recommended. Hats, sun blocks and sunglasses are also necessary to protect you from the sun.

Best-selected Garze Tour Packages

Garze Tour
Wild Sichuan Highlights Tour – 5 days

Route: Chengdu - Hailuogou - Kangding - Tagong - Siguniang - Chengdu

Gonggashan Tour
Kangding Riuqi Hiking – 4 Days

Route: Kangding - Gongga - Kangding

Daocheng Yading Tour
Daocheng Yading Classic Tour by Driving – 8 days

Route: Chengdu - Siguniang - Tagong - Yading - Xinduqiao

Garze Tour
Western Sichuan Adventure Hiking Tour - 9 Days

Route: Chengdu - Siguniang - Danba - Tagong - Kangding - Hailuogou - Chengdu

Garze Tour
Minya Konka Family Hiking Tour – 7 days

Route: Chengdu - Tagong - Gongga - Chengdu

Garze Tour
Wild Sichuan Ultimate Adventure Tour– 12 Days

Route: Chengdu - Siguniang - Danba - Tagong - Ganzi - Chola - Tsopu - Yading - Xinduqiao - Chengdu