updated on 30 Apr, 2024
Planning a trip to Kangding needs to have a budget plan. Gathered below are the detailed information about a cost traveling to Kangding including costs on accommodations, food, entrance fees, transportations, etc.
To take a bus to Kangding, the bus ticket costs between 200 to 220 Chinese yuan per person. It costs the same when you go back from Kangding to Chengdu. The bus is from Chengdu Xinnanmen Bus Station to Kangding Bus Station. Usually there are taxis involved to transfer from or to your hotels. The taxi will usually cost about 20 to 30 yuan depends on where you stay.
If you use a shared taxi to Kangding from Chengdu, it will usually cost about 400 yuan to 500 yuan per person single way. To go back to Chengdu from Kangding you need to pay a similar amount of money to use the shared taxi. You will not always get dropped off where you want to be so using local taxi after the shared taxi is normally necessary.
If you use a flight to Kangding, you need to get to the airport from the city of Chengdu and after arrival of Kangding airport, you need to use local airport bus to transfer to Kangding, this will cost Chinese yuan 60. To use a taxi from airport to Kangding, it will cost about 400 yuan per person usually. Airport bus is not always available but taxis are plenty there when there is an arrival. From the airport to Kangding town is about 70km.
For the flight, it costs 1650 yuan full price but at some seasons you can get discount low to 50%. Flight may not be available during winter time due to too much ice and snow on the running lane at Kangding Airport.
Hailuogou Glacier Park
Yanzigou Valley
Tsemed Pass
Gongga Gompa
Tagong Monastery
Kangding Paomashan Park
Tibetan Kham Culture Museum
Climbing Permit
For a modern 3-star-like hotel in Kangding, it costs about 400 yuan to 500 yuan per room per night. Lower level of accommodations include 2-star-like hotels and guesthouses which will cost about 200 yuan or less depending on the seasons. Using higher level of hotels will usually provide free breakfast while using lower levels of hotels you need to take care of breakfast by yourself.
Accommodations in Xinduqiao are plenty and levels are similar to Kangding. Hotels in Xinduqiao may cost more than that of in Kangding as Xinduqiao is a touristy place from Summer to Autumn. Book before hand is necessary if you are going to stay in Xinduqiao.
Outside of Kangding accommodations are now quite comfortable and numbers are plenty at places such as Xinduqiao. In Tagong there are decent clean hotels and guesthouses with prices between 300 and 600 yuan per room. Villages near Gonggashan there are Tibetan guesthouses available. They cost eithre below 300 yuan per night or above 500 yuan per night.
Dinning at Hailuogou Glacier Park (Moxi Town) or in Kangding, you can find plenty of restaurants offering different Chinese and Tibetan food. In other small towns you will be able to find some noodle restaurants which will normally cost about 30-40 per person. If you are staying in one of the local guesthouses, normally they provide food as well. A rice meal usually costs between 50 and 60 per person.
Per meal between 50-80 yuan depending on what you eat. Local bread are very good and cheap. Yak meat is expensive, up to 100 or more yuan per kilo. Veges are more expensive than before and fruits are luxury. Generally In Kangding it is easy to find place to eat while at other smaller places the restaurants are limited and usually are a little more expensive.
To use big pool it costs 50 to 80 yuan per person for 2 hours. To use small poor (small size for 2-3 people), it costs about 160 to 200 yuan for 2 hours.
Route: Kangding - Gongga - Kangding
Route: Chengdu - Danba - Tagong - Kangding - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Siguniangshan - Danba - Tagong - Kangding - Hailuogou - Chengdu