Wild Panda Travel Guide

Wild Panda Travel Guide and Tours

Wild Pandas indicate pandas that are currently living in the wild nature. Most pandas we see and have access to are captivated pandas who live in the zoos and panda bases/parks.

The total number of pandas in the world is counted for around 2600 until 2024. Around 700 of them live in captive in zoos, panda bases and parks. The majority of the pandas are living in the wild nature in China (around 70%). It is very hard but possible to see/take photos of pandas in the wild. Sichuan Travel Guide now offers information of trips to search/look for for wild pandas in the mountains of Sichuan. We have the knowledge of where, when and how to look for wild pandas. Such trips are provided by local panda guides.

Wild Pandas live in the wild nature in the mountains of Qinling, Minshan Range, the East of Qionglaishan Range and the east of Xiaoxiangling Range. Wild Pandas haven't been in contact with humans and roam the mountains on their own in their natural habitat by the elevation between 2200m and 3400m by altitude where the arrow bamboos grow. Their habitats are divided by natural boundies such as big rivers as well as man-made boundies such as big roads and cities. Some habitats are small and some are big but all are hidden in the deep mountains.

Wild Panda Travel Guide and Tours

Wild Panda Spotted in Wolong; Photo by Marco Gaiotti, on a co-funded trip with Vincenzo Galeno, March, 2024

How Hard to See Pandas in the Wild? And Why is it Hard?

It is extremely hard to see a panda in the wild. The reasons inlcude the following. There is no established trips in the history for wild pandas before. The panda habitat is relatively far from humans/roads. The pandas are very shy animals in wild. The pandas are not used to humans/domestic animals in the wild. The pandas live in bamboo forest that are largely not open place that themselves are not easily seen. The terrain is hard to access by foot in general.

If you invest in 1-2 days time by the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 5%. If you invest in 1 week's time in the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 20-30%. If you invest in 2 week's time in the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 60-70%.

What's the Best Season to see Pandas in the Wild?

The best seasons to see pandas in the wild is from late March to early June, and from mid September to mid November. The mating season is from late March to mid April. From late June to early September is too wet due to the rain in the forest. From late November to early March is too hard due to accumulated snow. If you wish to see pandas in the wild the best seasons is during the mating seasons. If you wish to take good photos of wild pandas the best seasons is from early May to late May when cubs are climbing trees.

What are the Experiences and Expectations on a Trip looking for Pandas in the Wild?

Looking for pandas in the wild is in general very hard. You are welcome to talk with us if you wish to engage in such a trip. We have been into the panda habitats multiple times by different locations and we are willing to share our experiences with you.

A trip to search for pandas in the wild for purposes of either photography or just looking at them are in general very hard. You will expect long and hard walks, sleeping in tent, eat basic food, walk in wet/cold/humid conditions, spending time on preparations, packing, taking care of your cameras, etc.

What are the Requirements for a Wild Panda Photo Trip?

Due to the long and hard walks, you need to be physically fit for such trip. You will also need good and strong cameras and lens, including a binocular. You are also recommended to stay strong mentally for expectation of not seeing a panda.

Is it Legal to do such Trip in China?

It is not 100% legal. All panda habitats forbid human activities but it's possible to go in to these places. All local villagers live nearby these habitats and will go into them from time to time. A lot of the buffering areas of panda habitats are also used by local people for herding and farming. Therefore we recommend you to call the panda authority: Giant Panda Reserve Center of China (+86 28-87222030 or +86 28-87331272) to arrange such activities for you. If they refuse to provide trips to you then you may come back to look for help from us.

Wild Panda Tours

Before engaging with us, we recommend you to first contact and go with the China Panda Authority (their contact info listed above). The following trips are offered by local panda guides in the villages near panda habitats. You may plan this trip for 2-3 days, or 7-8 days or 14-15 days. If you invest in 1-2 days time by the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 5%. If you invest in 1 week's time in the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 20-30%. If you invest in 2 week's time in the right location the chance to see a panda in the wild is around 60-70%. By going with us we don't ganrautee you will see panda in the wild. Please note all trips here involve hard and long walking and some involve sleeping in tent and eating basic food for days.

  • Wild Panda Tour Tour 2025&2026

    Wild Panda Tour - 2 Days

    Look for wild pandas in the actual panda habitat with a local experienced panda guide. The chance of seeing a wild panda is around 5%. This trip is unique in its nature. We recommend you to combine this tour to a bird watching activity if possible due to the low chance of seeing pandas.


  • Wild Panda Tour Tour 2025&2026

    Wild Panda Tour - 7 Days

    This trip 7 days to maximize your chance of seeing a panda in the wild. Usually it is very hard to see a panda in the wild because they are usually shy and the bamboos are too thick and terrains too difficult to access. This trip brings you the opportunity to see wild panda in the wild environment. It is an experience few people have.


  • Wild Panda Tour Tour 2025&2026

    Wild Panda Tour - 14 Days

    If you are really commited to see/take photos of panda in the actual wilderness then this trip is for you. The chance of seeing a wild panda is around 60-70%. It involves long hours of hard walk in difficult terrain and in difficult conditions and sleeping in tent for multiple days.
