This season of the year is considered to be the best travel time to Mt. Siguniang and many other places in Sichuan, due to the relatively stable weather conditions and not so cold weather, making it one of the busiest times for traveling in this area especailly in October when everyone wants to see the golden color of the mountains. First half of September will still expect a bit of monsoon fron the summer and second of of November it will feel like winter climate when tremperature drops below -C at night. In terms of camping, this is the best season because it is drier than summer and warmer than winter and still comparatively drier than spring time.
September is a window between rainy summer and busy October, making it one of the best times to visit this place. Temperature is between Aug and Oct not cold and not as much rain as August. And comparing to the usually very busy October, September is a very good season to travel even though it may still see a bit of rain.
Early September at Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
Middle September of Mt. Siguniang
October is usually considered to be the best time to travel to Mt. Siguniang in China by Chinese travelers. And a very important tip to travelers: do not come by 1st week of October because everywhere will be packed and it is not worth to travel anywhere on this week. October is dry and not too cold and it is the season for the "golden color of mountains and trees". The truth is the golden color of the trees comes out by usually end of October by around 25th October and at high elevation at 3500m to 4000m or above. Please note the golden color of the trees last for about 1 week. And at lower places below 3000m the golden color comes later by as late to early November.
Early October at Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
Middle October at Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
Middle October at Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
November will be colder than October and temperature at night will be dropped below -5C or even -10C and during daytime when sun comes out it gets to 20C. But days start to become shorter. November is one of the best seasons to do hikings in Mt. Siguniang due to its stable weather conditions and normally a consecutive of good sunny days. This is why the Siguniang ultra-marathon is held every year by the 1st week of November. So please avoid this week if possible because you won't be able to find any hotels nor porters.
Middle November at Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
Late November at Muluozi of Changpinggou Valley of Siguniang
Early November at near Dafeng Summit of Mt Siguniang
September: Best
October: Best
November: Best
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Siguniang - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Sguniang - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Siguniang - Chengdu