Winter at Mt. Siguniang is a very underestimated season in terms of traveling. One can have probably the best chance of all good weather days while traveling in winter time at Siguniang because winter is super dry here although snow is still possible but it's a lot less than the other seasons. One issue of traveling to Mt. Siguniang in winter is it may be too cold especially when you want to do some camping, the temperature in the morning is sometimes below -20C and it can be too much for some. Another issue is the day is very short, you probably see people moving around by 10am or after because before sun hits where you stay you just want to stay indoors. Although you don't see many travelers in this season at Mt. Siguniang.
December is official winter time where the water starts to freeze and temperature drops -10C at night and day will be even shorter. December is yet another underestimated good season to travel/hike to Mt. Siguniang when the weather is so dry and nice. In winter Mt. Siguniang has the highest chance of clear blue sky. But at daytime it still feels cold at 10C and sometimes 5C. One of the not so good side of traveling in winter is when the weather is not sunny, it can very cold all day.
Middle December at Chaoshanping, Haizigou
January is cold and dry. At night it drops below -10C in Rilong and if you are camping somewhere in the valleys, it could drop below -20C at night. If you are doing camping, make sure you are prepared for the cold weather conditions. At daytime it can get to over 10C. Please note it is not always dry. If it gets humidity which will usually end in a snowfall and when sun comes out, you will have 10C in the sun. It is not always sunny although most of the days are sunny days according to the past years record. Days are a lot shorter in winter that makes it even colder. Mountains are not green but rather grey. Rivers will normally be frozen. The biggest comfort is the blue sky everywhere. Although in winter on the mountains are not always covered with snow as they melt quick on high ridges under the sunlight so at some days in winter you may even see less snow than spring time in Siguniang. From January to February is the best ice climbing season in Mt. Siguniang.
Early January at Muluozi, Changping Valley
Middle January at Jiesigou, Mt. Siguniang
Middle January at Changpinggou Valley Mt. Siguniang
February is cold and dry as January. But by end of February it is also the beginning of the spring time of Siguniang when it will start to have snows. Temperature and weather in February are basically similar to January. It could be warmer than January from the second half of February. Please not usually by the end of Januray or the beginning of February is Chinese/Tibetan New year where people may tend to close hotels/restaurants for the holiday.
Early February at Haizigou Valley of Mt. Siguniang
Middle February at Changpinggou Valley Mt. Siguniang
December: Good
Januray: Good
February: Okay
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Siguniang - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Sguniang - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Siguniang - Chengdu