Pandas' Hometown
Famous Fairyland
Sacred Buddhist Site
Giant Buddha
Best for Hiking
Daocheng Yading
Shangri La Views
Irrigation System
Eastern Alps
updated on 30 Apr, 2024
Planning a trip to Yarchen Gar needs to have a plan on costing. Gathered below are the detailed information about a cost traveling to Yarchen Gar including costs on accommodations, food, entrance fees, transportations, etc.
To take a bus to Yarchen Gar will need transit from Kangding and Ganzi Xian, the bus tickets cost about between 300 to 350 Chinese yuan per person. It costs the same when you go back from Yarchen Gar to Chengdu. From Chengdu to Ganzi Xian costs 280 yuan and 2 days, from Ganzi you need to hire or use the local taxi to get to Yarchen Gar which can cost up to 400 yuan per person.
If you use a flight to Yarchen Gar, you need to get to the airport from the city of Chengdu and after arrival of Ganzi airport, you need to use local airport bus to transfer to Yarchen Gar, which is not a recommendation because the airport of Ganzi locates at nowhere and not easy to find transfer there.
Accommodations in Ganzi
For a modern 2-star-like hotel in Ganzi, it costs about 400 yuan to 500 yuan per room per night. Lower level of accommodations include hostels and guesthouses which will cost about 200 yuan or less depending on the seasons. Using higher level of hotels will usually provide free breakfast while using lower levels of hotels you need to take care of breakfast by yourself.
Accommodations at Yarchen Gar
Accommodations in Yarchen Gar are limited compare to Ganzi Xian. There are a couple of guesthouses in Yarchen Gar that have guest rooms that cost about 200 yuan per room per night. These rooms don’t have attached bathrooms only basic beds. Although in the village nearby called Jiacha Village, where there are plenty of local hostels and small hotels with attached bathrooms. These hotels in the village usually cost about 200 yuan to 300 yuan per room per night.
Per meal between 30-50 yuan depending on what you eat. Local bread are very good and cheap. Yak meat is expensive, up to 100 or more yuan per kilo. Veges are more expensive than before and fruits are luxury. Generally In Yarchen Gar it is not easy to find place to eat. Place like where you stay is normally the best option or you can always use your instant food. In Ganzi it is easy to find place to eat.
There is no entrance fee to go to Yarchen Gar. It is free and open to Chinese Nationals.
Route: Chengdu - Hailuogou - Tagong - Danba - Mt.Siguniang - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Jiuzhaigou - Zoige - Langmusi - Nyenpo Yurte - Bipenggou - Chengdu
Route: Chengdu - Mt.Siguniang - Danba - Tagong - Ganzi - Yading - Xinduqiao - Chengdu